5 month belly, and almost a full inch bigger.
Just to show that it really is MY belly not some other random pregnant woman.
Ryan thought it was funny to take my picture before I was ready and while I was obviously distracted by something "kid sized". I'll admit it is kind of funny.
Well, I am officially a little over 5 months pregnant and I couldn't hide it now even if I wanted. In fact, an older gentlemen at church said to our senior pastor, and I quote, "Is Holly pregnant or is something wrong?". I had to laugh when Ryan shared that with me. As if the only option for having a bigger belly is either 1) pregnancy, or 2)somethings wrong. I asked Ryan what he thought the man meant by "wrong". We aren't quite sure if he meant weight gain due to depression from being away from family or if he was talking about a tumor or some other strange type of growth. Either way it made for a good laugh.