Monday, March 30, 2009

House update #3

Here's the latest photo update of our house progress. It's been pretty hard to keep up. To save money, we are doing the cleanup. We grossly underestimated the amount of cleanup. Ryan has hauled 2,500 pounds of debris so far. That's not even counting the 700+ pounds of scrap that he decided to salvage to use for various projects.

Here are some photos...

Back of house.

Siding being put on back of house.

Dining room and kitchen view from living room.

Living room view from dining room.

View outside living room windows.

Back of house, siding completed.
Front of House with siding and roof all done. We also have a door and windows now.

The electrical should be finished by tomorrow. There will be an inspection of the electrical, heating, and plumbing on Wednesday. Then, next week, it's on to drywall.
We'll keep you posted!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

House update #2

Floor joists were in and it was time for heating ducts (provided by our friend Steve)

Sub floor and framing

Front door

I went through our house and put Scripture in all of the rooms to remind us that we need to fill our home with God's Word. Our project supervisor even made a comment about it. I am hoping that this will be a testimony to all the workers that step in the house in the next few months. Maybe God will will use his Word on our walls to bring someone closer to him. I sure hope so.

The crane lifting the roofing trusses

The framers securing the roofing trusses to the East side of the house

More roofing trusses being put on

Roofing trusses complete

We are in charge of cleanup during the construction process, so tonight we went out and helped clean up all of the tyvek and extra boards. Hannah and Riley are enjoying the fact that they get to be daddy's big helpers.

The sun went down, so it was time to say goodnight to our house. We'll be back for more cleanup tomorrow. We still have lots of sawdust and nails on the floor. We'll continue to update as the building progresses.

Thursday, March 5, 2009