My handsome husband using the airless paint sprayer to apply the tinted primer to the walls.

Because we had other commitments at the church during last weekend when we painted, we ended up finishing the interior paint at 2:30 in the morning. We were really exhausted and couldn't see very well with just the one shop light available, so we didn't know until the next morning if we had missed any spots. We are so glad that it is finished. It turned out just like I wanted.

The view through the front windows with the newly painted walls.

Next came the kitchen/dining room and pantry flooring. Our friend Scott came to help Ryan with this. It was an all day project starting at about 9:00am and ending around 8:00pm. Our friend Travis also came to help around 6:00pm so that sped the process up a bit with 3 people working hard to finish. The picture above is Ryan and Scott rolling out the pad before they could begin installing the wood floor.

Then they began laying the floor planks.

They had to stagger the flooring just right so that it didn't show a repeating pattern.

This is the floor when it was completed. It was already dusty from the paint dust that had settled all day from when we finished painting at 2:30 that morning. Notice that it's snowing pretty hard in the background of the dining sliding door. A few days before this it was almost 75. We have recently had very schizophrenic weather here in Bend. It snowed again today, then it dropped freezing rain. It looked like there were salt pellets all over the ground and the houses. It was very odd.

My husband was such a sweet heart and mopped the floor yesterday so that I didn't have to. We have to keep the area really clean because they are going to be installing the cabinets, doors, and trim in the next few days.
I'll update the front of the house sometime today or tomorrow. They have installed our pillars, finished our front deck, and filled more dirt up to the bottom of the deck. It is looking really nice. We just took updated pictures yesterday, so I'll post pictures of that soon.