Well, I guess I never got enough motivation (or time) to post the pregnancy pictures of myself before I had our newest little guy. Yes, it was a boy, and he is amazing. To make a long story short, I prayed and prayed that God would allow me to go into labor with this pregnancy because I knew that it was my last chance. We had planned to get my tubes tied during my planned c-section with this baby. We decided not to find out what the gender of the baby was. I was scheduled for a c-section on November 4th, but to my great surprise, I went into labor on October 21st. I called my mom around 5pm and told her that I thought that "this was it". I'm sure glad that I decided to call her because I ended up going into the hospital around 8pm with contractions only 2 minutes apart and getting pretty painful, and she had an 8 hour drive in order to come see me have this little one. I had all back labor; I could feel my stomach tightening quite a bit, but I was more concentrated on the fact that my back felt like it could brake with every contraction. I was very relieved when they told me around 11pm that they were going to go ahead and continue with a c-section immediately since it was obvious that the baby was definitely coming soon. At 11:42 pm Declan Joel Emerick was born. He weighed 6 lbs, 4.5 oz., and was 20 1/2" long. My mother finally arrived at 1 am; just after I had been taken to my recovery room. It was all magical and amazing. I felt so glad that God had heard my prayer, and that He was gracious to allow me to go into labor for my final baby. That's pretty much got us all caught up, so without further ado...... here he is!

Declan is now 3 months, and getting so big. His siblings adore him. He is rarely left alone long enough to be on the floor for more than a few minutes. Now we are just working on getting his older brother Weston potty trained. Wes just turned 2 in December, and we are soooooo ready for him to be a "big boy". I'm gonna try to keep a blog updating our potty training success, but with 4 kids and all, who know's how often I'll be able to have a free moment to update. We shall see.