I can't believe that it has been over a year since our last update on this blog. I guess you all would like to know if we ever got our house, huh? And what we’re up to lately?
Well, we were asked to turn the house over to the bank before even making a single payment. We were trying not to be too disappointed, but felt very defeated. Just before we signed the final papers giving it all up, we received a call from the owner of the company that built our house. He offered to write off $20,000 of the money that we owed him so that the house would appraise for more than we owed. All in all, it took 8 months from the time the house was finished in February for the permanent loan to close in October, but God worked it all out. I look back and wonder if all that time what we perceived as hassle and heart ache was actually God trying to help us with that extra $20,000 that we just didn't have, and maybe teach us a little about patience.
We didn’t have the money for any landscaping, or even a sprinkler system for the house, but we were finally in it. We were going to wait until next tax year to put in a backyard, but our church family surprised Ryan with a $500 gift card to the Home Depot as a Graduation/Ordination present. Then we were blessed by one of our church members with free sod. God provided our entire backyard at no cost to us. We added some drain rock around the back of the house, and some bark all around the edges of the grass, and our yard is looking beautiful. And now we are excited to save for a fence! Hopefully that will come in the next 2 years.
Now, on to the family update. Ryan graduated from Nazarene Bible College this past May with a double major; a Bachelors in Bible and Theology, and also in Pastoral Ministry. I couldn't help but tear up as he walked across the stage; the first in his immediate family to graduate with a 4 year degree. I was so proud of all he had accomplished. He had worked as a full time pastor, husband, and father, while doing almost full time college for 6 whole years. 1 week prior to Ryan's graduation was his ordination service. He was a licensed minister, but wanted to confirm that his call to be a pastor was a lifetime call. First we stood together before the ordained elders and were asked a lot of questions. Thankfully, I only had a few to answer. Ryan, on the other hand, answered a lot of very tough questions, and did a great job defending God's call on his life. When it was all over, the group of elders agreed with us that this call on both of our lives was definitely a lifetime call. We stood in front of about 600 people and formally accepted God's call for Ryan and our family. It was an amazing experience; one we will treasure for the rest of our ministry.
Last, but not least, we were also blessed earlier this year with the news of the impending arrival of our 4th (and final) baby this coming November. We decided to be surprised on the gender because it is our last baby. We'll find out in about 12 weeks or so whether or not we'll have an even number, or if it'll be 3 against 1 for Hannah. Either way, we feel so grateful that God has blessed us with all 4 of our miracle babies.
I'm hoping to update soon with house pictures, and pictures of my expanding belly, so check back soon!