We decided this year to finally commit to doing a garden in our backyard and we are running full steam ahead. We kept saying that we wanted to do it but we just couldn't make that final plunge. Well, this year we did it!!!
We planted Cucumber, Bell Peppers, Cantaloupe, Rosemary, Parsley, Green Beans, Carrots, Onions, Tomatoes, and Marigolds. The Marigolds are to ward off pests from our tomato plant (I don't know why, I was just told that it works). Ryan did a wonderful job building a garden box in which I could plant, and Hannah had a lot of fun helping me dig (as evidenced by the dirty face)!

We planted Cucumber, Bell Peppers, Cantaloupe, Rosemary, Parsley, Green Beans, Carrots, Onions, Tomatoes, and Marigolds. The Marigolds are to ward off pests from our tomato plant (I don't know why, I was just told that it works). Ryan did a wonderful job building a garden box in which I could plant, and Hannah had a lot of fun helping me dig (as evidenced by the dirty face)!
We also have a cherry tree in full harvest right now. We only picked one small branch of cherries and filled four gallon ziploc bags. We are "bursting at the seams" with cherries so hopefully this year I will be able to make a couple of fresh cherry pies. Oh, and we decided that we wanted fresh eggs this year so we are raising 8 baby chicks. They were so adorable and so fluffy at first, just like the chicks you see around Easter. But in just 3 weeks time they have changed so dramatically that they look like normal chickens, just a little bit smaller and with a few less feathers. They should hopefully be fully feathered in the next few weeks so we can send them outside to the chicken coupe. I can't wait! They are being kept in our laundry room in a brooder box which is cleaned at least once a week but they still manage to smell up the place. Within the next 3 months or so they will begin to lay about an egg a day. We are looking at having a lot of fresh eggs so some of you may be getting eggs for birthday or Christmas gifts.
Hopefully our ventures will provide us with fresh eggs, tasty fruits and vegetables, and good memories for our family. I will try to post pictures every so often to show the progress of the garden and the chickens.