Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sick, Sick, Sick!!!

Well, the title to this post is perfect! Riley and Hannah first started getting congested on Monday and then by Monday night I came down with different symptoms and thought that I was going to die. Luckily the kids just got sinus infections. I, unfortunately, got the flu along with congestion and a minor ear ache. Yuck! I went to bed on Monday evening with a really bad headache and a little bit of nausea but when Riley woke up, around 1:30am, I literally couldn't get out of bed. Every muscle in my body ached. I felt like I couldn't even walk. My legs were all shaky and I had to have Ryan deal with both crying kids all night long. I felt so bad because I get to stay home everyday but Ryan has to go to work and this time on about 2 hours of sleep. All around it was just a really difficult night for everyone. Thankfully by later Tuesday evening I was already feeling so much better. The muscle aches went away, the headache went away, and I felt like I could be a mommy again. Thank God that it's mostly over with. Now on to bigger and better things, like teaching Riley to walk. OK, maybe not quite yet. I would like him to stay little just a bit longer. They already grow up so fast as it is. I don't want to rush life and miss out on the most important times with my family.

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