Saturday, September 1, 2007

Happy Birthday Riley!

Today our son turned 1 year old. This last year has gone by so fast. I found myself getting a little weepy this morning when I woke up and was reminded that exactly 1 year ago today we were waiting for me to go into surgery so that we could meet our new little man. We had both families over today for a little party to help us celebrate Riley's birthday. He was so excited about getting to eat a cupcake all by himself that he literally dove head first into it. LOOK MOM, NO HANDS!

I can't imagine what our family would be like without him! We have had so much fun with him this last year and he has been a perfect reminder of the amazingly undeserved gifts that our Heavenly Father blesses us with on a daily basis. We are looking forward to celebrating many more birthdays to come.

Thank You God for giving us our son, Riley. Even though we constantly prove that we don't deserve it, You always shower us with gifts and we are eternally grateful. Please help us to be godly parents that model the life and message of Your Son, Jesus, to both of our children.


Kelsey said...

He is so cute :) Happy Birthday Riley!

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

Happy Birthday Riley! Love the picture of him eating his cupcake...priceless.


Happy Belated Birthday Riley! It looks like you have a great day. Love, The Anders Family

Rich and Karyn Speakman said...
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Melissa said...

What a cutie!! Birthday's are so much fun!!!

Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

Oh my goodness! Riley looks SO much like you! He's adorable and looks like he had tons of fun with that cake :) Love you guys!

Mama Mia! said...

Hey, guys! it's LeiLani! i find you through Melissa's blog! Congrats on your beautiful babies!!! Happy Birthday Riley! Max (my little guy) is one next week, too! So crazy! Just wanted to say hi and that you have a beautiful family! God Bless!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Riley! How cute is that shirt??!!!

Sarah said...

Happy belated birthday Riley!!! He is a doll! Your family is precious! Love, Sarah Houston