Wednesday, October 3, 2007


....... We have received what could be bad news after our ultra sound today. The doctor is dating this pregnancy at much smaller than it should be. We saw a "gestational sac" but no "fetal pole" or heartbeat. The doctor said that he was concerned that this pregnancy is not progressing and scheduled us to go back again on Saturday morning for another ultra sound. So of course I am crushed to hear this news and very nervous about Saturday. Please pray with us that everything turns out right or, if not, that God holds us close. We'll update later when we have more information.



Here are my (((hugs))) and prayers for you. Valerie.

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

My heart goes out to you. Remember God is in control. I'll be praying that Saturday's post will be good news.

Melissa said...

You will definitely be in our prayers.

Amy said...

We will definitely be praying for you. We serve a big God and he can do anything if we just believe. We'll make sure to check back on Saturday for hopefully, some good news.

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

Praying for you this morning.