Thursday, February 21, 2008

We've Landed!

Well, we made it. The fact that this post is appearing four days after the move should be an indicater of how crazy our week has been. It started off when I got sick at 2:30 am Sunday morning. That was tough enough. Then, the sickness lasted through the whole move. The trip up was pretty smooth. Other than my rising fever, we didn't have any issues. We made great time. We left Gridley at about 5:45 am and rolled into Bend at 1:45 pm. 7 hours ain't bad! There was a crew of people that showed up to help us.

There were only a few mishaps! Luckily, my dad and I were able to patch the wall.
And, it turns out that one of the gentlemen who helped us is a cabinet maker, so the door should be an easy fix!
The fun didn't stop there though! I got to visit St. Charles Medical Center's ER in the middle of the night with a 102 degree fever and what felt like shards of glass in my throat (illustration of course!). It was a nice place, for an ER. A couple days later and I am feeling quite a bit better. Well, I'm off to chisel the ice off my new walkway!
This has been a memorable adventure. One that I am sure I will be talllking about on the front porch when I am 80.
We'll keep you guys updated, and post more pictures of the house. Thanks for all the prayers and support!


Kelsey said...

I'm glad that your move went pretty smooth!
And that you're feeling better.


Thanks for the update. I was wondering if you guys made it there alive.

So Holly, how do you like your new house?

Hope the kids are doing well and you Ryan, will be feeling all better before you have to start singing.

Leah said...

Wow you have already moved! Hope you enjoy it up there I know you will be miss around here.

Grandma Linda said...

Miss all of you a lot, especially my little babies.

Give big kisses to Hannah and Riley for grandma.

Love you

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

Glad you made it to your new home sweet home! Best of luck to you guys. You will be greatly missed in CA. Stay warm!

Learning to Love said...

Glad to hear that you made it safely! I'll look forward to your updates and more pictures:)

Anonymous said...

Ryan & Holly,
You blessed our church with your music ministries. We wish you all the best as you & your family move on to new adventures! You will be missed.

The Donnard's