We had an appointment with the High Risk O.B. specialists on Monday and they did a VERY detailed ultra sound. The tech showed us a close up of the two sides of the baby's brain and the four working chambers of the heart. They were also able to tell us that the baby had a full bladder. Hannah got a kick out of it when the tech said, " Your baby has to go potty." She looked at me as if to ask.... " Is that even possible?." I was glad when she dropped it and I didn't have to explain it to her. Everything went well and the doctor seemed to think that everything should be fine. They are going to keep a close eye on me the rest of the pregnancy though, just in case. Other than the caption that Ryan added, this picture has not been touched up. It is the best close up picture of a hand that I have ever seen. Hannah said that the baby is waving to her. So sweet! We are very excited and are looking forward to seeing our little one.