We are happy to report that we are having another baby sometime in late November or early December. So far everything looks good and we have already seen an ultra-sound with a healthy baby that had a good heart rate. Our whole family is excited about this new little life that we have been blessed with and we are praying for a safe, healthy, and quick pregnancy so that we can hold our baby and know that he/she is ok. Because we already have a girl and a boy we have decided that we are NOT going to find out this time what we are having. I will be having another c-section so we don't get the surprise of going into labor on our own. The next best surprise is finding out if it's a boy or girl at exactly the moment of birth. We are planning on having a couple girl names and a couple boy names to choose when we see the baby's face. We are very excited but still nervous and appreciate any prayers for us and our growing family.
Congrats...that's exciting :) How is everything else going for you guys up in Oregon?
Congratulations! How exciting!! We will keep you in our prayers for a healthy baby and easy pregnancy.
I've been looking for this post every day! We're so excited for you. It was great to talk to Ryan last night. We'll be praying for your baby's healthy arrival.
God Bless, The Proudfeet
P.S. Enjoy the snow!!
Phew! I was getting worried about you! We are SO happy for you guys!!!! Can't wait to find out if this little answer to prayer is a boy or a girl! Let me know how your doctor appointment goes today. :-D
Congratulations! I am SO excited for your family! I will be praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy!
Yeah! Congrats to the whole family! Soooo excited for you guys. We'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby.
YAY! I'm so excited for you guys!
YEAH!!!! Congratulations! I can't wait to see your posts on pregnancy progress. We are so happy for you both.
Congratulations Ryan and Holly! We're keeping you in our prayers!
The Ramey Family
Hey guys! What wonderful news! I am so happy that you guys aren't going to find out until delivery. It is the coolest thing! We'll keep you all in our prayers. Hope this pregnancy treats you well. What a blessing! All our love...
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