Saturday, September 20, 2008

6 and 1/2 months...

Well, here I am at 6 1/2 months pregnant. I am over 7 months now so, as you can probably tell, I am a little behind lately on my posts. Hopefully I'll get my energy back soon so this won't continue to be a problem. I'll post updated pictures in about a week or so.


Kelsey said...

Your belly is so cute!
Not too much longer :)

Brian and Angela said...

Holly and Ryan I am so excited to hear that you are expecting. That is GREAT! We miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

With number 3 on the way you will not sleep until they are all 18, I know.

Can't wait to see my babies in Dec. they are so beautiful it makes me sad that I can not be closer.

Love Grandma Linda