My friends and church family threw me a baby shower this last Thursday night. There was about 30 people there, not including Hannah, me and Wes of course. We had a good time and I got a lot of very cute and very special gifts. Here are a few pictures.
This cake was quite possibly the most delicious cake that I have ever eaten. One of the other pastors' wives made it. It had lemon in the middle. Oh my goodness it was good.
I love this picture! Wes is staring very intently at Tracy. She is our normal baby sitter. The kids love her, apparently Wes included.
Hannah got to come to her brother's "birthday party" as she calls it. She looked like such a big girl and she was very good the entire evening. Thank you sissy for being a good listener.
This is a wall hanging that a lady made for Wes. It says, "For God Loved Weston so much that He gave His only Son so that if Weston believes in Him he shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16 The Living Bible. It's going up right above his crib.
1 comment:
You guys look great! What a nice shower. Glad your Christmas was great! Happy New Year.
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