Monday, December 31, 2007
Our trip to Bend, Oregon Day #1
Friday, November 16, 2007
Our Sweet little girl
Dear God,
Thank You for the heart that you have given Hannah. Thank You that she is so aware of all the things around her that need Your help. Please remind Ryan and I that we need to take every opportunity given to us to teach her how to hurt for those who hurt and to give to those in need and to bless others with the same measure to which You have blessed us. Please help our hearts to be broken by the things that break Your heart. Don't let us miss out on the opportunity to be used by You to bless others and to bring the message of Your son to hurting hearts.
Monday, October 15, 2007
A trip to the Farm...

Altogether, it was a great day. We had a lot of fun petting the goats and seeing all the brand new baby pigs, but the best part of the day was the hayride and the search for our pumpkins. Riley wasn't so sure about the hay though.
Going to a farm and looking for pumpkins doesn't seem like a very exciting family outing. However, for us it was a special time where we built memories like watching our kids holding hands, walking through the pumpkin patch, or seeing the look on Riley's face as we went through the dark tunnel while on the train.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
A Reminder
Lord, thank You for the reminder that life is about more than our tragedies. Let these moments give me strength and encouragement. Let me cherish them and, as I do, let me give You the honor. Amen.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Difficult news
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Our first ultra sound tomorrow
It says in Your Word that You do not want us to worry or have anxiety about anything but that we should instead pray to You about everything and tell You what we need, so here I am! Please help me to have peace about my appointment tomorrow, help me sleep tonight and help everything to turn out fine. Help our baby to have a strong heartbeat and measure exactly as he or she should. But God if we do get bad news please be with me. Help me to surrender control to You and trust that Your plans are much bigger than ours. Help me to trust.
Monday, September 17, 2007
And Then There Were Three...
Happy Birthday Honey!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Happy Birthday Riley!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
New blog for my business
Friday, July 27, 2007
Business Information
Monday, July 23, 2007
Congratulations Joe, Sarah, and Baby Ezekiel!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Ever wish life could be more simple?
Monday, May 21, 2007
Spring is a Time for Growing...

We planted Cucumber, Bell Peppers, Cantaloupe, Rosemary, Parsley, Green Beans, Carrots, Onions, Tomatoes, and Marigolds. The Marigolds are to ward off pests from our tomato plant (I don't know why, I was just told that it works). Ryan did a wonderful job building a garden box in which I could plant, and Hannah had a lot of fun helping me dig (as evidenced by the dirty face)!
Hopefully our ventures will provide us with fresh eggs, tasty fruits and vegetables, and good memories for our family. I will try to post pictures every so often to show the progress of the garden and the chickens.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Some pictures from my business
These are pictures of personalized boutique style "burpies" made this week.

And this is one of the Nursing Covers that I have made.

This is a reversible bib that I made for Riley. The picture on the top is the front of the bib and the one below it is the back of the bib, modeled of course by my sweet little Riley. He seemed to like it.

And lastly, this is a Diaper Cake that I made for a recent baby shower. It is made of 80 (size 2) luvs diapers.

I will continue posting pictures of my finished products so that everyone can see my newest creations.
Since I am just starting this business I was hoping that I could get some feedback from others about the items so let me know what you think! Thanks a bunch.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Sick, Sick, Sick!!!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Riley Is Officially Mobile!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Life So Far...
8 months into our marriage we found out that we were expecting a baby. Unfortunately we lost the baby at around 8 weeks pregnant and over the next 2 years we had 2 more miscarriages. We were then placed under the care of U.C. Davis infertility clinic and after 6 months of testing, with no explanation for our losses, we again found out that we were expecting a baby. In February 2004 we were blessed with a beautiful little girl, which we named Hannah, "The Grace of God".
How fitting that God would impress this name so strongly on our hearts.
Hannah's birth was one of two big changes in our lives in February of 2004. The day that Hannah was born was the day that Ryan received an invitation to go on full-time pastoral staff for the Gridley Nazarene Church. His first day was March 1 and things havn't been the same since. Almost exactly a year after Ryan was brought on staff we sold our home, packed up our belongings, and moved to a smaller home in Gridley. God really stretched our faith. We were faced with the thoughts that we might not ever buy another home again but we were confident that God knew better than we did about what He had in store for us. Once we settled in, we decided that it was time to try to give Hannah a little brother or sister. We were excited and nervous to find that we were pregnant less than a month later. Once again we were faced with a devastating miscarriage, then another, then yet again another. Not knowing how much more we could take, we asked our O.B. to send us to another infertility clinic who would hopefully find our problem. Our first appointment was in October 2005 and within a few short weeks we were told that one of my blood tests had come out abnormal. The doctor explained to us that I had an inhibitor in my blood that could result in microscopic blood clots. These clots could have been what had caused the 6 previous miscarriages. I was placed on a regular dose of baby aspirin and two shots of heparin in the stomach every day. We got pregnant right away again and were surprised to find out at 6 weeks that we were having twins. We soon discovered that we had lost one of the babies. We were terrified that we were going to lose the other baby, but after 10 painful, scary months and a c-section, on September 1, 2006 we were holding our son, Riley, in our arms.
Although our journey has not been an easy one, God has undeniably blessed us in more ways than we could begin to count.