Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day #4

We spent the first part of today looking around Bend with Ryan's dad, who came to visit us from Newport, Oregon.

Bend has some neat communities! We have found out that the city is divided into East and West sides. The East side is more of the older part of town where mostly working class families live. The West side of town is where the more wealthy affluent people live. It has more modern housing with what are called "earth elements" to them. These are things like rocks on the outsides of the houses and shops. They also have more earthy/neutral colors. Then we ate again at Red Robin (Ryan's dad's favorite restaurant) before he had to travel the 4 hours back to Newport. Overall, it was a pretty good day.

On a more sour note... we got some horrible news tonight that the Gridley church got broken into and a bunch of equipment was stolen. Even worse, most of the stolen equipment was Ryan's. His bass guitar, some microphones, and an effects processor were all taken. The church's sound board was also taken. Ryan is trying as best he can to sort things out over the phone but it's very difficult. We would appreciate your prayers.

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