Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pantry Challenge Anyone?

If you don't know what a pantry challenge is I will explain it.

A pantry challenge is using your existing food stores and resources, like your pantry and refrigerator, to make all of your meals. It is a challenge to not buy anything new from the grocery store to complete dinner. A pantry challenge can be anything you want it to be. You can do the challenge by yourself or as part of a group. A group challenge can be a lot of fun. You can keep each other motivated, inspire each other and share tips and ideas. Why should you have a pantry challenge? There are a few good reasons. A pantry challenge can come in handy when the budget is running low, and it is better to make do with what you have for as long as you can. A pantry challenge can also help you use up older items in your pantry that you tend not to grab when it comes to dinner time or the left overs from a few nights ago that might otherwise spoil. Now is when it's time to get creative with the stuff in your pantry and fridge and to save the money that you would have spent on food for other things like paying off debt. The only things you can buy at the store are milk, eggs, and small amounts of fresh fruit. The goal is to not shop so that you can use that money for paying down debts and to use the stores of food that might otherwise get thrown away. I think I have enough food in my pantry and fridge for about 12 meals or so. I am up to the challenge of seeing how long I can go without shopping. Obviously, you don't want your family to starve, but you do want to use up as much food as you can from your current stores. By the way, you're also not allowed to eat out if you don't have anything in the house or it's not a REAL pantry challenge. Anyone up for this?

1 comment:

Mama Mia! said...

that's so funny, i was just thinking about doing this!great idea! i might just join you!