Saturday, December 27, 2008

Snow Princess...

Our kids are getting old enough for us to begin Christmas traditions. We let them open one gift on Christmas Eve; a tradition passed on from Ryan's family. We also decided that, since we live in the snowy Northwest, we will build a snowman on Christmas.

The snow in the high desert is very cold, and very dry. Therefore, it does not stick together very well. So, the traditional method of rolling the snowballs until they are huge did not work. They kept crumbling into dry powder (the same powder which, by the way, made snowboarding at Mt Bachelor awesome!). Instead, we started with a small hill, and then formed it into a mountain.

Next, it was time for us to begin "carving" the snowman. There was still no hope for making the typical "3-ball-body" shaped snowman. Then, it hit us...


The uncooperative bottom, which remained more of a cone than a ball, was made into a dress. We fashioned a torso, head, and then carved some arms. Hannah provided the finishing touches.

Give the princess her pedastal and VIOLA! (pronounced "vwallah").

A ten-minute snowman became a 2-hour snow princess.

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