While Ryan and Josh were building the snow princess, the kids and I decided to play in the snow. It was our very first white Christmas and it was very cold outside. We all had a blast! These are random pictures from our fun in the snow.

Riley trying to shovel the sidewalk
Can you figure out what Riley is trying to do in the picture below?

You guessed it.... he's eating snow.... face-first.

Here I was showing Riley how to pick up the snow so that he could throw it.

Hannah and I having a snow fight. The snow here is so powdery that it mainly just bursts in mid-air, but it was fun anyways.

These are the icicles on all the houses in our neighborhood. They are really pretty but can be dangerous, especially when they start to melt and fall off the houses.
Overall, Christmas was a lot of fun for our family. We can't wait till next year to make new memories.
Awww snow! Looks like you guys were having fun!
Happy New Year!!! That snow is beautiful! I would love to have that just for a day here in Yuba City:) Hope you guys are doing well.
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